Our Mission:


Vibrant worship and teaching ministry hubs in the DC area and Cape Town, South Africa. Where the power and presence of the Lord is evident each time we gather. Every believer is empowered through strong relationships, personal vision, and weekly local and global Kingdom service.


Our Vision

Our vision at Vision Impact Center is to be an authentic Acts 2 community that impacts lives in the DC, MD, VA region, Cape Town, South Africa and globally through life-changing discipleship, intentional relationships and serving the community.


Our Impact

In the DC area, Cape Town South Africa, Pakistan, Kenya and India, we have been able to donate numerous resources and supplies to both our local community initiatives and global community initiatives. We fed hot meals to over 20,000 homeless people including sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer and toiletries and resources monthly. We praise God for our Temple Hills and Cape Town locations where we continue to build spiritual community, focusing on each person’s spiritual health, maturity and development. We would love to continue to partner with you this year as we continue to focus on Local Missions, Global Missions, Community Reach and Spiritual Growth.



thousand meals to the homeless

Feeding the homeless in DC since 2015. Feeding the homeless in Cape Town since 2019. Feeding the homeless in Kenya and Pakistan since 2020.



Years Serving communities

Resume and job search assistance. Housing resources and assistance.



Thousand families and children Impacted

Clothes and food donations.


Get Involved

• We value the necessity of INFLUENCE; therefore, we will intentionally shape culture and the marketplace with God’s Kingdom, His way of doing things.

• We value the necessity to MOBILIZE; therefore, we will use our feet and hands to share the message of the Gospel of Jesus hope and love with the community and the World.

• We value the necessity to PARTICIPATE; therefore, we will use our resources to generously serve the needs of the community with our hearts and hands.

• We value the necessity to ACTIVATE; therefore, we will constantly focus on building people, understanding that every believer is a leader, empowering each person in their gifts, talents and abilities as we serve one another.

• We value the necessity to CULTIVATE; therefore, we will work to enhance the building of strong relationships within the church family and natural family through God-centered interactions.

• We value the necessity to TRANSFORM; therefore, we will encourage and provide opportunities for all members to grow in faith, knowledge and character through life-giving teaching and the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.


Partner with my vision community

We would love for YOU to join our global community. Connect to our global opportunities of spiritual engagements.

Click here.

Volunteer opportunities

Are you looking for opportunities to serve your neighbors in one of our local churches in DC or Cape Town? Would you like to impact nations all over the world? Click here.

Make a Donation

Our ministry partners help us impact lives and strengthen communities all around the world. Weekly, monthly or one-time donations help us continue to feed families in DC, South Africa, Kenya and India