• We value the necessity of INFLUENCE; therefore, we will intentionally shape culture and the marketplace with God’s Kingdom, His way of doing things.
• We value the necessity to MOBILIZE; therefore, we will use our feet and hands to share the message of the Gospel of Jesus hope and love with the community and the World.
• We value the necessity to PARTICIPATE; therefore, we will use our resources to generously serve the needs of the community with our hearts and hands.
• We value the necessity to ACTIVATE; therefore, we will constantly focus on building people, understanding that every believer is a leader, empowering each person in their gifts, talents and abilities as we serve one another.
• We value the necessity to CULTIVATE; therefore, we will work to enhance the building of strong relationships within the church family and natural family through God-centered interactions.
• We value the necessity to TRANSFORM; therefore, we will encourage and provide opportunities for all members to grow in faith, knowledge and character through life-giving teaching and the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.